On this page, you will be able to download the Automated School Form 2 for Elementary, Junior High School, and Senior High School.

Steps on How to use Automated School Form 2.
1.Open the file using Microsoft Excel.

2.Now, click the start button to show the marker.

3.Select cell/cells and use the marker.

4.To clear the content of the cells, use the white button on the marker.

5.Click the Start button (see step 3), select the data button to change the following:
School Year
School Name
School ID
Track for SHS
Semester for SHS
Course for SHS

6.You can save the file as:
pdf, excel, and save as a new excel file.

Automated School Form 2 for Elementary, Junior High School, and Senior High School: DOWNLOAD

Note: For easy download, log in first to your Google/Gmail account and use a laptop.
Using a mobile phone copy the link and paste it into chrome. Copy STRICTLY for classroom use ONLY.

Complete MELCs with CG Codes and Guidelines for Kinder to Grade 12 in all subjects: DOWNLOAD
Guide for Teachers in use of MELCS: DOWNLOAD