A group of teachers called on the government to give excessive promise to increase teachers ’salaries.


Recently, it was reported that President Rodrigo Duterte confirmed that teachers will get the additional salary promised by emphasizing that teachers are close to his heart. He also pointed out that the government is facing major financial hurdles brought about by the pandemic.

France Castro Representative of the ACT TEACHERS Partylist said the government has enough budget to provide such wage increase.

"The National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict has a huge budget of P19 billion despite the Covid pandemic but when it comes to salaries, benefits and basic education needs for safe and quality education, there is no money because of Covid?" said Castro.

The ACT Partylist group continued to promote the Grade 15 salary for the entry level teaching position or Teacher I which is now P33,575.

"The price of oil, galunggong and other basic commodities has gone up. When is the promise of substantial salary increases for teachers and staff?" He added.

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