SEAMEOSecretariat recently launched the SEAMEO Toolkit for Remote Teaching and Learning! So blessed to have worked on this project under the guidance and leadership of Dr. Ethel Agnes. The Toolkit is part of SEAMEO's efforts to help teachers face the challenges of education in the covid and post-covid eras. 

The SEAMEO Toolkit for Remote Learning and Teaching aims to guide and help teachers to become creative, resourceful, and reflective remote learning educators for their students and proactive partners to parents. It is not meant to tell teachers what to think about remote learning. Instead, it gives them insights into strategies and research regarding learner-centered and 21st-century-oriented remote learning so they can, in the end, make proper judgments to empower the learners under their wing. This toolkit also aims to provide teachers with up-to-date information founded on research and real-life experiences in various areas related to remote learning, such as designing instructional materials, enhancing remote learning experiences, delivering instruction effectively, assessing student performance, and providing adequate learner support.

Click the link below:


Source: SEAMEO

Free to download: