ELECTRONIC SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL (e-SAT) and Manual for SY 2020-2021 Self-Assessment Tool-RPMS (SAT-RPMS)
  • comprise self-assessment questionnaires within the RPMS designed for teachers and master teachers
  • can be used as a starting point for informal purposes of self-reflection to clarify performance expectations and determine which competencies to focus on
  • guide discussions about goal-setting and professional development needs
There are two SAT-RPMS tools:
  • 1) SAT-RPMS for Teacher I-III (Proficient Teachers) and
  • 2) SAT-RPMS for Master Teacher I-IV (Highly Proficient Teachers)
The Electronic Self-Assessment Tool (e-SAT)
  • The e-SAT is an electronic version of the SAT for RPMS.
  • It is a self-assessment tool that helps teachers reflect on the different objectives related to their professional work.
  • The tool supports schools in analyzing school-wide SAT data of teachers to help plan for teachers’ professional development.
  • The results of the self-assessment will guide teachers on which RPMS objectives they must improve and the areas where they need coaching and mentoring.
For easy download, open the link in chrome and use DepEd email address.
  • Electronic Self-Assessment Tool (e-SAT) SY 2020-2021
  • Electronic Self-Assessment Tool (e-SAT) Manual SY 2020-2021

Memorandum and All available materials on the RPMS-Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST), including tools (RPMS Tools, Classroom Observation Tools, and Self-Assessment Tools),
forms (COT forms), and other support materials, for SY 2020-2021 in the time of COVID-19
can be accessed at http://bit.ly/RPMSPPST20202021.